Evaluation is an attempt to appraise the quality/suitability of a resource. As a structured process of assessing the success of a project in meeting its goals and to reflect on the lessons learned. An evaluation should be structured so that there is some thought and intent as to what is to be captured, how best to capture it, and what the analysis of the captured data will tell us about the project. Evaluation is about placing a value judgement on the information gathered during a project.
There are many reasons why we might want to perform an evaluation. The monitoring phase of project evaluation allows you to track progress and identify issues early during implementation, thus providing an opportunity to take corrective action or make proactive improvements as required.
End of project evaluation allows you to judge the success of the activities you undertake, and therefore provides accountability to those that fund projects. It also allows you to repeat activities that have been demonstrated to work, and you can improve on, or let go activities that do not work.
Types of evaluation.